Peer Review Process

ETEDU: Elementary of Teacher Education journal implements a peer review process to ensure the quality and integrity of every published article. The process involves several stages as follows:

  1. Manuscript Submission
    Authors submit their manuscripts through the online journal management system. Each received manuscript undergoes an initial screening by the editorial team to ensure it aligns with the journal’s focus and scope.
  2. Initial Screening by the Editor
    The journal editor conducts an initial review to ensure that the manuscript meets basic criteria such as originality, relevance to the journal’s theme, and adherence to the submission guidelines. Manuscripts that do not meet these criteria are returned to the authors without further review.
  3. Assignment to Reviewers
    Manuscripts that pass the initial screening are sent to two or more reviewers who are experts in the relevant field for a thorough review. The review process is double-blind, meaning that the identities of both the authors and the reviewers are kept confidential to maintain objectivity.
  4. Review Process
    Reviewers evaluate the manuscript based on several criteria, including clarity, originality, scientific contribution, research methodology, and relevance to the journal’s theme. Reviewers then provide recommendations on whether the manuscript should be accepted, revised, or rejected.
  5. Editor’s Decision
    Based on the reviewers' feedback, the editor makes the final decision regarding the manuscript. Possible decisions include acceptance without revisions, acceptance with revisions, requesting major revisions, or rejection.
  6. Revisions by Authors
    If revisions are required, authors are asked to revise their manuscript according to the reviewers' comments and resubmit the revised manuscript for further review by the reviewers or the editor.
  7. Finalization and Publication. Once the manuscript is approved for publication, the editorial team conducts a final check on the layout and formatting before publishing it in the latest issue of the journal.